I am speechless. Katerina from
Fashion Algorithms found a new, different, totally innovative way to express her fellow beautiful feelings towards her fav fashion bloggers.
Katerina, it's an honour for me to be one of your fav ;-)
Needless to say how smiley you made my day. THANK YOU isn't enough. All of the style illustration choices you made for me are EXTRAordinary- just like the way YOU see me honey. Flattered..
And did i say how much i love your trademark-design style??? (talking as a fashion designer with my academical expertise only, if i may say so!)
(p.s. Ippolito and Ourania Kay??!!!! you sooooo know me.)
And in order to express MY feelings, here's
a poem for you:
If you were a chef, you'd use your
rolling-pin, conjuring up your
sweet tasted ideas
If you were a fairy, you'd have the magic
strass stick for transforming world's worst outfits into coloured pants and leather bags (just like your Mulberry one)
If you were a flower, you'd be adorned roses with
tulle petals and
croco thorns
If you were a balloon, you'd be air-borne pretending to be a
drumlike skirt
If you were a car, you'd have no brakes dear, cause
you drive us crazy!!!